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5 Tips for Starting the New Year Right

1. Start a list of goals

How can you know what you want to accomplish in the New Year without having a clear set of goals? Whether it’s on a notepad, whiteboard on your wall or on your phone, be sure to write out your goals. Make sure to follow the SMART Goal method, making sure your goals are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound.

2. Create an exercise regimen that works for you

Many people include exercising more as one of their New Year’s resolutions. The key to finding and maintaining a good workout regimen is to set realistic expectations and find what works for you. For some that may be lifting weights five days a week for at least 50 minutes, for others it could be taking a 30-minute walk every other day.

To see the exercise and wellness classes that we offer through our Pathways to Wellness Program, visit
3. Schedule your annual physical

One way to start the year strong is to schedule your annual physical. To find a provider to schedule your exam with visit Find a Doctor | Salinas Valley Health.

4. Start a new hobby

According to a study conducted by Nature Medicine in 2023, compared with people who didn't have hobbies, those who did reported better health, more happiness, fewer symptoms of depression, and higher life satisfaction. Find something that you enjoy and can use a de-stressor this year. To see additional information about how hobbies can improve health and other aspects of your life, visit Health Benefits of Hobbies. To find something local, visit Blue Zones Project | Get Involved.

5. Don't stress!

It is no secret that stress is not good your overall well-being. While it cannot be completely eliminated, try to leave overstressing in 2024 and practice ways to limit the amount of stress you feel on a daily basis. For ideas on how to reduce stress, visit 13 Unusual Ways to Shed Stress (Lessons from the World’s Blue Zones) - Blue Zones.

5 Heart-Healthy Tips

1. Fill your plate with heart-healthy food

The food you eat has a direct impact on your heart. Fill your plate with foods high in antioxidants, fiber and proteins to ensure you’re giving your heart the fuel it needs. To find heart-healthy recipes you can start making today, visit Healthy Cooking | Monterey County Health System.

2. Take a walk

According to the American Heart Association, walking twenty minutes a day can lower your chance of developing heart disease by thirty percent. Get on track to a healthier you and get that heart pumping! To join our monthly Walk With A Doc events where you can hear about a variety of health topics from our Salinas Valley Health providers while walking with other community members, visit Walk With A Doc | Monterey County Health System.

3. Know the difference between a heart attack and a stroke

Understanding whether someone is having a heart attack or a stroke can save a life. See the difference between the symptoms by visiting, Stroke Center in Salinas, CA | Stroke Recovery in Monterey County.

4. When in doubt, visit your local cardiologist

Going to see the doctor can be scary, especially for heart-related concerns. Don’t let your fears stop you. To schedule an appointment with one of our cardiologists, visit Find a Doctor | Salinas Valley Health.

5. Stay informed

Learning how to maintain a healthy heart can be challenging. For easy-to-understand information pertaining to the heart, visit our Ask The Experts podcast page. Ask The Experts Podcast | Monterey County Health System

Upcoming Events

For all our events, visit our events and classes webpage.