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Salinas Valley Health – Growing Our Legacy of Leadership

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Salinas Valley Health – Growing Our Legacy of Leadership

Media Contact: Karina Rusk

Today marks a big day in the future of our healthcare system: the launch of our new brand, Salinas Valley Health!

Since the day we opened our doors in 1953, we have served the people of Monterey County with high-quality care and compassion. As we have grown, we have committed to broad and holistic approaches to do more than deliver healthcare when it is needed, but to cultivate good health in the everyday lives of everyone in our community.

Our new brand honors the vision of those who laid the foundation of our healthcare system, the heritage of our diverse community, and our many accomplishments over the last decade, while also leaning into the exciting work ahead of us. It is a reflection of all that brought us here today and how, together, we are rising to a future with a greater focus on community well-being and individual well-being.

What has not changed is our leadership in the community, our expert and compassionate healthcare, and our outstanding internal culture of dedication and innovation that both defines us and drives us forward.

A modernized name, new look and new vision is not simply a “refresh,” it is a reflection of how we have grown. Our culture of continuous improvement, driven by our qualified and dedicated physicians, nurses, clinical staff, and employees creates excellence in all we do. Our new brand of Salinas Valley Health supports wider awareness of that excellence as we improve health and well-being in Monterey County.

Good health is the foundation of a thriving community. And community well-being is fundamental to individual well-being. Our team of 2,000+ works each day to make this a reality for the people of our region, from the high-quality care in our Medical Center and clinics to partnerships like Aspire Health, Blue Zones Project Monterey County, and outreach such as our Salinas Valley Health Mobile Clinic that opens access to care.

Salinas Valley Health sets our sight on the long view: an inclusive approach to community health combined with the delivery of advanced medical treatments, state-of-the-art technology and specialized care.

Our beautiful Salinas Valley is a place like no other - unique in in its diverse cultures, natural resources and outstanding climate. Yet most importantly, it is a strong community: one rich with people who collaborate, innovate, donate and work to help their neighbors rise. Salinas Valley Health is here to support that community.

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