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Sports Medicine in salinas

Your athletic pursuits are important to you, and they play an important role in your health. While physical activity is generally highly beneficial, it can increase your risk of sustaining a sports-related injury. Salinas Valley Health's sports medicine focuses on treating sports-related injuries and improving your overall athletic condition for when you return to the field.

Sports medicine experts have training specifically to treat injuries resulting from athletic activities. The cause of your injury often influences how treatment is performed. For instance, if you are a runner and you start developing ankle pain, a sports medicine doctor is experienced in understanding what frequently causes these pains in runners. The doctor can then recommend new techniques or devices that will prevent the injury from recurring.

Get Back in the Game More Quickly

Though a sports injury can be a setback in your athletic career, working with a sports medicine expert can improve your mental health, training strategy and overall approach to your sport.

A holistic sports medicine treatment should include:

  • Injury recovery – Specially designed treatments can help you recover from a sports accident quickly and permanently.
  • Physical therapy Exercises supervised by a medical professional will help increase overall fitness and strengthen bones and muscle.
  • Mental health therapy A sports accident can be both demoralizing and traumatizing. Counseling with a sports medicine expert can help rebuild your confidence.
  • Nutrition counseling A trained nutritionist can evaluate your diet and create a diet that can help improve your athletic performance.

If your injury is severe enough that it permanently prevents you from returning to your previous activities, it may make you depressed. Just remember: The work you put in is not for nothing, and your body still benefits from all the training you did. A doctor can help you find other activities that are safe for you to participate in, and that you will already have an edge in thanks to your previous endeavors.